Pictures - 2012
Fergus Highland Games
Grade V - August 12, 2012
Today the Grade V band earned a first place at the Fergus Highland Games, clinching first place for Championship Supreme on the Ontario circuit. We are very elated, as all the hard work and dedication from all our band members truly came to fruition. It has been a great season, and we managed to stay focused and maintain the course. Our hats go off to the bands we competed against this year - you did not make it easy. Here are some pics from the day at Fergus:
And a few more!
Maxville - North American Pipe Band Championships
August 3 and 4, 2012
We went to the Glengarry Highland Games this year, also known as the North American Championships, which is a multi-day event held in the small town of Maxville. Here are some photos of the day we took 2nd place in the Grade V contest!