band minutes fall 2018
Grand Celtic Pipe Band Inc
Oct. 13, 2018
General Meeting
In attendance: Kristen Colquhoun, Ian Colquhoun, Ashley Duncan, Mark Glassford, Gert Glassford, Riley MacBeth, Neil MacBeth, Scott Farlinger, Kieran Meyer, Tom Reeves, Carole Reeves, Terry Reeves
Absent: Dustin Stephen, Seumas Hotson
1. Call to order at 5:30 pm
2. Discussion of 2017 Minutes - Ashley moved to accept and Scott seconded, passed.
3. Treasurer’s report: Oct. 2017 balance of $ 4493.19; Oct. 2018 balance of $4281.73
• No dues collected for 2017-18
• $3500 earned - Christmas Peller Estate function, Wellington County donation, Fergus Highland Game revenue
• $1500 spent on tuition (drum scores)
• $1006 on rental of CWDHS
4. Old Business – Highland Brewery never reimbursed for drum heads as promised. No further affiliation. Peller Estates have asked the band to return to Whistle Bear Estates again in December. Have not booked the high school; Neil suggested we not book as band is decreasing in size. Scott suggested second floor of legion. We competed this year at Kincardine, Cambridge and Fergus Highland games in Gr. 5, points resulted in 13th out of 17 bands with PPBSO.
5. New Business – Neil will speak to Legion and Arena to investigate space to be used for continued instruction. Terry and Carole to store band equipment (i.e., drums, uniforms). Terry to work with Neil to get all outstanding equipment returned. Kristen to purchase 50 kilt hangers from iKea to hold kilts.
Each member was asked as to their intentions for the coming year:
Scott taking year off; is offering a pipe band club at high school
Terry has offered to be quarter master to keep kilts and track them
Kieran to continue piping; said he’d check with Quinn about drumming
Riley will be competing with Guelph; happy to come help with social gigs as needed
Mark would continue competing if enough players; has hockey on Sat & Sundays so is happy to take year off; no plans to join another band
Kristen not playing pipes; looking at drum instruction, along with Duncan
Ian would like to play at a more competitive level; considering Peel, willing to continue on as an instructor depending on practice schedule.
Ashley said Dustin thinks we should focus on developing piping; Ashley agreed; Ashley happy to instruct; no competition, but rather small gigs (e.g., retirement homes) would be her preference
Tom will be focusing on school, maybe the summer depending on the geographical location of co-op placement, not comfortable to teach drums
Carole would like to continue chanter/pipe lessons
Neil will not be playing but is happy to stay on as ‘honorary’ president to look after business matters.
Neil suggested there be no band this year and that the band not register with PPBSO. It is costly $678 this past year for membership + $401 to compete for little value in return (e.g., when assistance was asked for following Steve’s passing). There was general consensus that a competition band would not be possible.
6. Nominations for 2018/2019 (President, Secretary, Treasurer – elected positions) – no need for formal executive. Ian suggested we vote to dissolve the constitution; Ashley asked if we need bylaws to be considered non-profit; Neil recommended we suspend the constitution so we aren’t in jeopardy of losing the nonprofit number. All indicated in favour of suspending the constitution by show of hands.
Honorary President = Neil
Treasurer = Scott, signing authority (TD bank in Elora)
Secretary = Carole, with second signing authority
Nominations motioned by Ashley, seconded by Ian
7. Action Items: Quinn has a half drum to be returned if not taking drum lessons (Kieran to check); Kathy has the bass drum and some vests that need to be returned (Carole to ask); Neil and Terry to work together to collect remaining equipment and transfer to Reeves home; Neil will talk to Debbie at the arena about availability on Saturday or Sunday mornings; Neil also to check with Legion. Neil asked if we don’t register with PPBSO, do we still need to release members to play with other bands. It was determined that a release form will be provided to Ian to play with another band. Kristen voiced concern that we need a presence on Social media and asked if we can spend some of the band’s bank balance to attract players. Ian and Kristen like the family feel of GCPB and would like to see it grow. Ashley suggested Facebook would be a good way to target to interest group. Ashley suggested an advertising board for outside the room at the arena. Ashley asked Kieran what draws young people – in jest…vaping, beer! Neil suggested 5 chanters to be purchased. It was proposed that a committee be formed of Ashley, Carole and Neil with Kirsten to help out with an advertising strategy, using Terry as a resource person. Neil expressed being at a loss for drumming instructors. Ashley offered to continue providing instruction to Mark if he was interested in the area of reading music scores. Scott nominated Neil for lifetime membership. Gert was nominated as official band mom by Ashley! All were in favour of both.
8. Meeting was adjourned at 6:30 pm.
Oct. 13, 2018
General Meeting
In attendance: Kristen Colquhoun, Ian Colquhoun, Ashley Duncan, Mark Glassford, Gert Glassford, Riley MacBeth, Neil MacBeth, Scott Farlinger, Kieran Meyer, Tom Reeves, Carole Reeves, Terry Reeves
Absent: Dustin Stephen, Seumas Hotson
1. Call to order at 5:30 pm
2. Discussion of 2017 Minutes - Ashley moved to accept and Scott seconded, passed.
3. Treasurer’s report: Oct. 2017 balance of $ 4493.19; Oct. 2018 balance of $4281.73
• No dues collected for 2017-18
• $3500 earned - Christmas Peller Estate function, Wellington County donation, Fergus Highland Game revenue
• $1500 spent on tuition (drum scores)
• $1006 on rental of CWDHS
4. Old Business – Highland Brewery never reimbursed for drum heads as promised. No further affiliation. Peller Estates have asked the band to return to Whistle Bear Estates again in December. Have not booked the high school; Neil suggested we not book as band is decreasing in size. Scott suggested second floor of legion. We competed this year at Kincardine, Cambridge and Fergus Highland games in Gr. 5, points resulted in 13th out of 17 bands with PPBSO.
5. New Business – Neil will speak to Legion and Arena to investigate space to be used for continued instruction. Terry and Carole to store band equipment (i.e., drums, uniforms). Terry to work with Neil to get all outstanding equipment returned. Kristen to purchase 50 kilt hangers from iKea to hold kilts.
Each member was asked as to their intentions for the coming year:
Scott taking year off; is offering a pipe band club at high school
Terry has offered to be quarter master to keep kilts and track them
Kieran to continue piping; said he’d check with Quinn about drumming
Riley will be competing with Guelph; happy to come help with social gigs as needed
Mark would continue competing if enough players; has hockey on Sat & Sundays so is happy to take year off; no plans to join another band
Kristen not playing pipes; looking at drum instruction, along with Duncan
Ian would like to play at a more competitive level; considering Peel, willing to continue on as an instructor depending on practice schedule.
Ashley said Dustin thinks we should focus on developing piping; Ashley agreed; Ashley happy to instruct; no competition, but rather small gigs (e.g., retirement homes) would be her preference
Tom will be focusing on school, maybe the summer depending on the geographical location of co-op placement, not comfortable to teach drums
Carole would like to continue chanter/pipe lessons
Neil will not be playing but is happy to stay on as ‘honorary’ president to look after business matters.
Neil suggested there be no band this year and that the band not register with PPBSO. It is costly $678 this past year for membership + $401 to compete for little value in return (e.g., when assistance was asked for following Steve’s passing). There was general consensus that a competition band would not be possible.
6. Nominations for 2018/2019 (President, Secretary, Treasurer – elected positions) – no need for formal executive. Ian suggested we vote to dissolve the constitution; Ashley asked if we need bylaws to be considered non-profit; Neil recommended we suspend the constitution so we aren’t in jeopardy of losing the nonprofit number. All indicated in favour of suspending the constitution by show of hands.
Honorary President = Neil
Treasurer = Scott, signing authority (TD bank in Elora)
Secretary = Carole, with second signing authority
Nominations motioned by Ashley, seconded by Ian
7. Action Items: Quinn has a half drum to be returned if not taking drum lessons (Kieran to check); Kathy has the bass drum and some vests that need to be returned (Carole to ask); Neil and Terry to work together to collect remaining equipment and transfer to Reeves home; Neil will talk to Debbie at the arena about availability on Saturday or Sunday mornings; Neil also to check with Legion. Neil asked if we don’t register with PPBSO, do we still need to release members to play with other bands. It was determined that a release form will be provided to Ian to play with another band. Kristen voiced concern that we need a presence on Social media and asked if we can spend some of the band’s bank balance to attract players. Ian and Kristen like the family feel of GCPB and would like to see it grow. Ashley suggested Facebook would be a good way to target to interest group. Ashley suggested an advertising board for outside the room at the arena. Ashley asked Kieran what draws young people – in jest…vaping, beer! Neil suggested 5 chanters to be purchased. It was proposed that a committee be formed of Ashley, Carole and Neil with Kirsten to help out with an advertising strategy, using Terry as a resource person. Neil expressed being at a loss for drumming instructors. Ashley offered to continue providing instruction to Mark if he was interested in the area of reading music scores. Scott nominated Neil for lifetime membership. Gert was nominated as official band mom by Ashley! All were in favour of both.
8. Meeting was adjourned at 6:30 pm.