Pipe Music
Sound Files and Sheet music
Look here for scores, audio, and video of the music the band plays and how we will play it. Scores are directly below, and also audio files, which are way down at the bottom of the page. Take the link to the Snare & Tenor drumming video page for more cool stuff...
If recording/saving audio files: You can just record the audio. Don't know how? Zip over to "Cool Links" (see the tabs at the top of this page), look for Freeware, and download the very free MP3 recorder (on their page, use the <mp3.recorder.exe> link - don't click on the big ad where it says in red: "DOWNLOAD"). Easy as pie to use. It records anything you put through your sound card, and you can save it in any format you want.
Competition Sets 2013/14- Updated Sunday, December 15, 2013
The Standard Tunes
Brown Haired Maiden Set
Green Hills/Battle's O'er
Bonnie Galloway Set
Caber Feidh
Rocking the Baby Jig set
Invitation to Dance
Laggan Love/Shoals of Herring
Airs and Slow Marches
Waulking Songs
Flett From Flotta Set
Sheet Music - Pipes (includes old medleys, as well as standard tunes)
Grade V March Medley 2012-13
Concert Set 1
Concert Set 2
Grade IV Medley 2012-13
Grade IV March Medley 2012-13
Concert Set 3
Random 12/8